About Journal
International Journal of Agrochemistry
eISSN: 2456-7000
Complete Editorial Board
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.736
International Journal of Agrochemistry (IJA): It aims to serve as a platform for the propagation of novel ideas and research in entire areas of Agricultural Chemistry. The target audience of the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners. All manuscripts go through a rigorous peer review process. It is designed to create interest among researchers in the field of Agricultural, chemical process engineering and the technologies applied in chemical composition of biochemical constituents, pesticides, fertilizers, agro-products etc. Journal targets to publish original, high quality papers that are peer-reviewed by our expert editorial team to ensure the publication of only good quality papers. It’s a biannual journal, started in 2015.
Journal DOI no.: 10.37628/IJA
Indexed in: Journal TOC, Google Scholar
Readership: Graduates, Postgraduates, Research Scholars, Faculty
Focus and Scope Cover:
• Chemical/biochemical composition of components
• Chemistry, composition and processing of agricultural pesticides and insecticides
• Processing effects on the composition and safety of agricultural products
• Veterinary drugs
• Plant growth promoting regulators (PGPR)
• Fertilizers and other agro-chemicals, including their metabolism, toxicology and environmental issues
• Chemical processes involved in phytonutrients, aromas and flavors
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Submission of Paper:
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Manuscripts are invited from academicians, students, research scholars and faculties for publication consideration.
Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email [email protected] or [email protected]
Subject: Veterinary Drugs, Fertilizers and other agro-chemicals, Plant growth promoting regulators (PGPR)
Abbreviation: IJA
Frequency: Two issues per year
Editorial Board
Peer Review Process
Instructions to Author
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