About Journal
International Journal of Telecommunications & Emerging Technologies (IJTET)
eISSN: 2455-0345
Click here for complete Editorial Board
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.983
International Journal of Telecommunications & Emerging Technologies (IJTET) : The journal keeps its focus on the key infrastructure of the society that is telecommunication; journal is dedicated that to publish only high-quality papers that can make an immediate impact on the society and creates interests among the readers. Journal covers almost all aspects of telecommunication and telecommunication research. It’s a biannual journal, started in 2015.
Journal DOI No: 10.37628/IJTET
Focus and Scope Cover
• Telecommunications network and structure
• Network media technologies
• Design and management of telecommunication systems
• Security, privacy and encryption in telecommunication systems
• Networking protocols
• Transmission System and Signaling Systems
• Regulatory, standardization and privatization issues in telecommunications
• Traffic engineering
• Advanced networking
• Telematics and telemetry
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Readership: Graduate, Postgraduate, Research Scholar, Faculties, Institutions.
Indexing: The Journal is index in Journal TOC, Google Scholar, Crossref.
Submission of Paper:
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Manuscripts are invited from academicians, students, research scholars and faculties for publication consideration.Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email [email protected]
Subject: Electronics and Telecommunication
Plagiarism: All the articles will be check through Plagiarism Software before publication.
Abbreviation: IJTET
Frequency: Two issues per year
Peer Reviewed Policy
Instructions to Authors
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